Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Selma 2

These are the 2nd set of selma pictures.... sorry for the sub standardness of them...selma was a hard day for the team, just alot of information etc.

Selma pictures #1

Sorry this has been so delayed guys well you know life happens :-P
Here is the first set of Selma Pictures

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Southern Poverty Law Center and Civil Rights Memorial

So i was a bad photographer and don't have pictures from the Rosa Parks Museum (again no cameras allowed) or our talk with the Gertzs'. However we had an amazing time. It was interesting to see how much we grew as a team after a long hard discussion the night before.
anyways I do have pictures from our second day in Montgomery at the SPLC and Civil Rights Memorial.

Quote for thought:

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly."
-Martin Luther King Jr.

Selma pictures next

as always if you use one of the pictures please give me credit.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sankofa Pictures- 16th Street Baptist Church

Well it is the end of spring break *tear* and I just got back from this trip called Sankofa which is a tour of the Civil Rights Movement and talks about reconciliation. We drove from Minn. to Memphis Tenn. visited the Loraine Motel where Dr. King was shot ( sorry no pictures they took our cameras away until the end of the tour :-( . ) We then traveled to Birmingham,Alabama aka "Bomb"ingham during the Civil Rights Movement. We visited the 16th Street Baptist Church where 4 little girls were killed because a guy set off a bomb at the church during Sunday School.

Quote for thought :

One who condones evils is just as guilty as the one who perpetrates it.
- Martin Luther King Jr.


ps. if you use any of these photos please give me credit, thanks


Well I finally decided to do a blog of my photography and quotes that I love.
Well let me introduce myself

Hobbies: Photography, Reading and Writing
Random stuff: I love summer and being by the Mississippi River, I love the color pink and really dislike talking about myself.
Favorite Quote: " It is our destiny to attempt the impossible, to accomplish great deeds regardless of fear, it is our responsibility to the future" - Saphira
