Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sankofa Pictures- 16th Street Baptist Church

Well it is the end of spring break *tear* and I just got back from this trip called Sankofa which is a tour of the Civil Rights Movement and talks about reconciliation. We drove from Minn. to Memphis Tenn. visited the Loraine Motel where Dr. King was shot ( sorry no pictures they took our cameras away until the end of the tour :-( . ) We then traveled to Birmingham,Alabama aka "Bomb"ingham during the Civil Rights Movement. We visited the 16th Street Baptist Church where 4 little girls were killed because a guy set off a bomb at the church during Sunday School.

Quote for thought :

One who condones evils is just as guilty as the one who perpetrates it.
- Martin Luther King Jr.


ps. if you use any of these photos please give me credit, thanks

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